Hyper Performance Training™ (HPT)

Bruno Medicina – Trainer
The Hyper Performance Training™ (HPT™) is a one day seminar with the aim to remove the blocks that prevent you to express your potential to the maximum
Achieving a “Hyper Performance” means creating a situation in which all components of the “performer system” (technical, psychological, emotional, spiritual) are aligned and allow the interpretative idea to manifest without any obstacles.
The techniques and exercises proposed are mediated by Neurolinguistic Programming, Fluxogenics, physical and mental training of top athletes and martial arts masters.
A concentrate of secrets that will bring your ability to unsuspected levels and allow for otherwise unthinkable progress.
HPT™ concentrates specifically on helping performers break through the mental barriers that are keeping them from singing or playing the way they know they can. We all know talented performers who play or sing great in practice or under normal circumstances, but when the pressure is on—in a high-stakes situation—they crumble or get so nervous it really affects their performance. When this happens at an important audition, competition, or concert it seems that all the preparation and practice has been for nothing. Are you one of those performers?
If so, you are not alone. Performing well under pressure is a learned skill!
HPT™ helps performers identify and assess their unique challenges and strengths and helps performers learn the valuable mental skills that will enable them to perform at high levels.
Hyper Performance skills help people to:
Eliminate limiting or ineffective beliefs that can keep them from reaching their full potential
Develop a strong and stable practice and performance confidence
Learn to focus on what’s most important in practice and performance
Deal with frustration, distractions, and doubts
Let go of mistakes and frustration
Use the positive characteristics of perfectionism and eliminate the unhealthy ones
Identify the fear that can keep them from performing their best
Set appropriate and effective goals
Use effective pre-performance routines to build confidence and focus
Incorporate mental rehearsal, imagery, and positive self-talk into preparation
Devise effective and efficient practice plans