
“Among his various possible beings each man always finds one which is his genuine and authentic being. The voice which calls him to that authentic being is what we call “vocation.” But the majority of men devote themselves to silencing that voice of the vocation and refusing to hear it. They manage to make a noise within themselves…to distract their own attention in order not to hear it; and they defraud themselves by substituting for their genuine selves a false course of life.” — JOSÉ ORTEGA Y GASSET

Norocul este in mainile tale

“Everyone holds his fortune in his own hands, like a sculptor the raw material he will fashion into a figure. But it’s the same with that type of artistic activity as with all others:We are merely born with the capability to do it.
The skill to mold the material into what we want must be learned and attentively cultivated.” — Goethe

Pamantul este o fiinta vie

The Power of Negative Thinking

Really interesting…

Both ancient philosophy and modern psychology suggest that darker thoughts can make us happier, writes Oliver Burkeman.


Muzica din gunoi?

Avem o groaza de lucruri, dar folosim ceea ce nu avem ca pretext pentru a nu face nimic.
Alti intr-adevar au numai gunoi, dar… i-l folosesc pentru a face minuni.
A asculta Bach cantat pe un violoncel facut cu piese recuperate din gunoi, este… pai… emotionant? Incredibil?
Nu stiu, va las sa judecati.
Fara cuvinte, numai muzica

Izvorul minunat – Discursul lui Howard Roark

One of the best speeches of all the time. Ayn Rand rules…

Some sentences from the speech:
“Man cannot survive except through his mind. He comes on earth unarmed. His brain is his only weapon. But the mind is an attribute of the individual, there is no such thing as a collective brain. The man who thinks must think and act on his own. Citește mai mult

Lectia molii

“…that is what life is for
it is better to be a part of beauty
for one instant and then to cease to
exist than to exist forever
and never be a part of beauty…”
Don Marquis


Impossible is nothing

Pur si simplu INCREDIBIL! Acest match ma aduce la lagrimi de fiecare data ma uit la el.

Profit pentru a reaminti una dintre cele mai frumoase citate lui Muhammad Ali:
“Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in the world they’ve been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact. It’s an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration. It’s a dare. Impossible is potential. Impossible is temporary. Impossible is nothing.”

(Imposibilul este doar un cuvant mare aruncat de oameni marunti care considera ca este mai simplu sa traiasca in lumea ce le-a fost data decat sa experimenteze puterea pe care o au ca sa o schimbe. Imposibilul nu este un fapt. Imposibilul este o opinie. Imposibilul nu este o declaratie. Imposibilul inseamna a indrazni. Imposibilul este o eventualitate. Imposibilul este temporar. Imposibilul nu este nimic)