Entries by Bruno

Slavery and ingnorance

“The first reason for man’s inner slavery is his ignorance, and above all, his ignorance of himself. Without self-knowledge man cannot be free, he cannot govern himself and he will always remain a slave, and the plaything of the forces acting upon him. This is why in all ancient teachings the first demand at the […]


“Serendipity is looking in a haystack for a needle and discovering a farmer’s daughter.” Julius Comroe Jr.


!!!!!!!!!! Japanese people are simply UN-BE-LIE-VA-BLE!!!!!!! Don’t miss this! (Btw, Bach works also in these conditions…)

I did it. You didn’t

Definitely, my preferred fellow citizen 🙂 People sometimes ask me what does it mean “to go out of the confort zone”. Well, if you have the balls to leave the known and safe coast to chase your vision, when everyone call you crazy… that’s it!

Let your inner light guide you

“In life, what more can you ask for than to be real? To fulfill one’s potential instead of wasting energy on attempting to actualize one’s dissipating image, which is not real and an expenditure of one’s vital energy. We have great work ahead of us, and it needs devotion and much, much energy…. No matter […]