Entries by Bruno

L’essentiel c’est la contingence

“L’essentiel c’est la contingence. Je veux dire que, par définition, l’existence n’est pas la nécessité. Exister, c’est être là, simplement; les existants apparaissent, se laissent rencontrer, mais on ne peut jamais les déduire. ” J.P.Sartre, La Nausee

Headless chickens

“It’s no wonder that so many stories of Zen monks end with them moving to the top of a mountain or under a bridge to spend the rest of their days in solitude. Once you clear your mind, it’s easy to form the opinion that the rest of the world is running around aimlessly like […]

What do we find, when we look at fear?

The content of fear may be intense and gripping, so much so that it overwhelms us completely. But when we look beyond that content at the fear itself, what do we find? Pure energy, energy which, if we focus on it directly, will begin to reveal its real nature. Then, instead of filling us with […]