We are Divine
/0 Comments/in Blog, Uncategorized/by BrunoOn February 17, 1600, Giordano Bruno, the greatest philosopher of modern times, occultist and mathematician, was burnt at the stake on charges of heresy and blasphemy.
Upon hearing of his death proclamation, he said “Perhaps your fear in passing judgment on me is greater than mine in receiving it.”
He was gagged during his last hours to prevent him from making a final inflammatory speech.
Giordano Bruno remains one of the greatest symbols of freedom of thinking.
“Che ci piaccia o no, siamo noi la causa di noi stessi. Nascendo in questo mondo, cadiamo nell’illusione dei sensi; crediamo a ciò che appare. Ignoriamo che siamo ciechi e sordi. Allora ci assale la paura e dimentichiamo che siamo divini, che possiamo modificare il corso degli eventi, persino lo Zodiaco.
Non è la materia che genera il pensiero, è il pensiero che genera la materia”
“Whether we like it or not, we are the cause of ourselves. Being born in this world, we fall into the illusion of the senses: we believe in what appears. We ignore that we are blind and deaf. Then the fear attacks us and we forget that we are Divine, that we can change the course of events, even the Zodiac.
It is not the matter that generates thought but the thought that generates the matter”
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- Bruno Medicina
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