How many labels do you put daily?

Very impressive commercial from Coca-Cola…
It really worth a look.

It’s no secret that human beings base much of our judgements on looks. How a person looks is usually the first thing we notice about them, but what happens if you meet someone without seeing them? That’s what Coca-Cola wanted to try when it placed 6 strangers in a dark room and had them meet for the first time in total darkness.

According to the researchers, factors that mostly influence a first are clothing style and posture. By having people meet in a completely dark room, there was no way for anyone to make a judgement based on how anyone else looks. When the lights come on, it’s not what anybody expected.

In Flow with the Infinite: the Secrets of Charisma

When there is coherence and alignment between personal level and higher levels, we manifest an energy and an attraction that automatically set in motion the needed resources; something that is usually known as “charisma”. Bruno Medicina


Speech (in Romanian) at “Lead your Life” event, June 30, 2015, Bucharest