Do you still believe in something?

“If you make a wish it’s because you see a falling star.
If you see a falling star it’s because you’re watching the sky.
If you’re looking at the sky it’s because you still believe in something.”
Bob Marley

Are you alive?

“Every day think as you wake up, today I am fortunate to have woken up. I am alive. I have a precious human life.”
The XIV Dalai Lama

Enemy or teacher?

“The enemy is a very good teacher.”
The Dalai Lama

A fantastic story

Usually, I don’t like “motivational” stuff, as it seems to me stupid and rethoric.
But this is a true story, and yes, it worth a look and a share.
Oh, btw: “… the single biggest mistake I made in my entire life: I let somebody else tell me what I couldn’t do.”

Does anything happen for a reason?

Phantom of the Opera

Actually, the idea of moving in a cave under the Paris Opera, and to stay there to play the organ is not to be discarded too fast…
If you’ll here some rumors about a new phantom, well, may be…:-D

Too funny… :-))))

Pure genius.. I’d like to give him some cents…:-)))))

Pure envy

Now I understand what envy is…
I’ve to find a way to do the same 🙂

You never know who are you fighting :-))

Too funny, my best congratulation to the chinese guy..
(I can’t stop laughing…:-)))))

Disturbing perfection

There is always something disturbing when you see real mastery, as you have to ask yourself “What could I really do if I used my potential?”